Well tommorow is the big day that we have been waiting on for what seems like forever . Tommarow morning at approximately 7:30 am this little guy that has been practicing his black belt moves in my belly for the last 9 months will join our family . I can not tell you how excited we are as a family, the kids have been asking for months when the baby is coming out of my tummy . I can't wait to see what he looks like , who he favors the most, how much hair he has and most of all what God has planned for him . I am a true believer in the fact that none of us are here by accident , and each and every one of us has a purpose and was planned by God before the world began . God has big plans for him, as he does my other children and I love that I get to be a part of it .
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
This has been by far the easiest pregnancy of all four . Yes I had gestational diabetes for almost the entire pregnancy , but for me that is just part of it . I have had that with every pregnancy so I have learned what I can and can't eat , and how to manage it and it's not really a big deal to me .Other than that it has been a fairly uncomplicated, normal pregnancy .
With my last pregnancy with Andrew the last month or so was a complete nightmare . I had a doctor who didn't care , and told me not to go to the hospital if I thought something was wrong after I had gone twice and it being nothing . He didn't check on me after my c-section and paid me absolutley not attention to me the two days I was in the hospital or after . I swelled horribly, to the point I gained 5 pounds of fluid per day a total of almost 60 pounds in water weight by the time the pregnancy was over . I had to practically beg the doctor at 37 weeks to do my c-sections early and I had a 10 pound 6 ounce baby boy . It was quite a scary ordeal, thank the Lord everyone ended up doing just fine . The doctor had delivered my other two children and had been a great doctor through both of my other pregnancies , or so I thought . I still have no idea what happened as to why he suddenly didn't care . With this pregnancy there was no question we were switching doctors . We decided to go with a doctor that a friend highly recommended , Dr. Caroline Felty at Village Center for Women in Greer . I am so glad we did. Talk about a completley different experience , Dr. Felty is so proactive and is so on top of everything. She is genuinely concerned with you, your feelings and how you are doing . I went to the doctor much more often, had several test done that I had never had done before. She couldn't believe that I had never had a non stress test after 3 c-sections and 3 pregnancies with gestational diabetes . I have learned so much since becoming her patient, such as the insulin regiment that my former doctor had me on was pretty much useless . It would only keep my blood sugar down for a couple of hours and then it would skyrocket . I would get good blood sugar readings when I tested but it was after that 2 hours that it would go through the roof . He was my doctor and I trusted him , and just did as I was told . It was almost like he wanted me to have big babies , so I would have to have a c-section . He would make more money that way . So I am so grateful that we chose Dr. Felty . I have stayed pregnant this time longer than I ever have before , I will be 39 weeks tommarow . The longest I have ever been pregnant before this is 38 weeks and 2 days . I always had to be delivered early because of high blood pressure and with my first I had preeclampsia . This time it appears that I will be having a much smaller baby, somewhere around 8-9 pounds.
My one and only concern as far as the c-section is concerned is the anesthesia . The surgery and recovery really doesn't bother me , a needle being stuck in my spine however does . When I was having Jackson it took 9 tries to get my spinal in . At the time we didn't know all the back problems that I had , I just knew I was in alot of pain . Finally on the 9th try they were able to get it in place . I have nightmares about having a spinal . Two months after Jackson was born we found out that I had a ruptured disc , along with two bulging discs and degenerative disc disease in my low back . I had back surgery on February 18th 2010 and it was the best thing I ever did . I got my life back because I couldn't function before my surgery . With Andrew's delivery it took one try and it worked . Please be praying that all goes well , and that it will only take one try this time around .
We have been so blessed this time around , with a good doctor , a healthy pregnancy , a healthy baby boy and just overall a great experience . I can't wait until tommarow morning . We are all so excited , and can't wait for there to be another member in our family to join in the organized chaos .